Domek Kaśki

698 30...
Dąbrówka, Piechowice, pomorskie
per night from
38 PLN

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
summer housefor 4 personal1150-490/home


Bungalow cottage, wooden, comfortable.

Bungalow consists of kitchenette, room, bathroom, terrace with exit to the garden.

About us

On the premises parking lot.

Additionally on the premises place for grill.

Our attractions

At guests' disposal private beach, pier.


The facility is located by the lake Słupino.

In the vicinity water equipment rental.


We invite you for a meeting with nature.

Atrybuty / atuty

Rodzaj oferty

Ważne informacje

Pobliskie miejscowości

Piechowice ~1.1 km
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Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- rezerwat przyrody Lipno i Lipionko ~ 1.13 km
- rezerwat przyrody Brzeg Jeziora Cheb ~ 1.86 km
- Kościół Św. Antoniego Padewskiego w Dziemianach ~ 2.76 km