Pokoje Gościnne Anetka

698 30...
ul. Sole, Busko-Zdrój, świętokrzyskie
per night from
35 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
roomfor 2 person(s)370/room


Bathrooms in the corridor.

Room is equipped with: LCD TV, Internet access.

About us

At guests' disposal: generally accessible self-service kitchen.

On the premises: parking lot.

Additionally on the premises: place for grill.

Separate house floor entirely at guests' disposal.


We invite you to take advantage of our offer - satisfaction guaranteed.

Atrybuty / atuty

Rodzaj oferty
pokoje jednoosobowe
pokoje dwuosobowe
Oferta dla

Ważne informacje

similar listings
private rooms in the neighborhood
accommodation in the neighborhood

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