accommodation Sosnowa Kołobrzeg
- price from80 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of reviews: 1number of beds: 15
Pokoje Gościnne Sosnowa
private roomnumber of reviews: 1number of beds: 15Rooms with bathrooms and kitchenettes. Rooms are equipped with: TV, beach equipment, radio, cordless kettle. At guests' disposal: wireless Internet (Wi-Fi), generally accessible self-service kitchen. On the premises: parking lot. The facility is located in the quiet surroundings. To the sea 2... - price from50 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 15
Pokoje Gościnne U Józefa
private roomnumber of beds: 15On the premises: parking lot. Additionally on the premises: garden, place for grill. - price from80 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 12
J&T Pokoje Wczasowe
guest roomnumber of beds: 12Rooms with bathrooms. Rooms are equipped with: TV, cordless kettle, beach equipment. At guests' disposal: fully equipped kitchenette, fridges. On the premises parking lot. For the active guest: hiking trails, cycle lanes. In the vicinity: eating house, fish bar. The facility is located: in... - price from70 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of reviews: 3number of beds: 55
Dom Wypoczynkowy Ika
pensionnumber of reviews: 3number of beds: 55Rooms with bathrooms. In the rooms: TV-SAT, fridge, hair dryer, dishes, radio with player, Internet access. At guests' disposal common room. Parking place on the premises. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the entire facility. We do not accept guests with pets. open in high season, For t... - price from30 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 34
Kwatery Prywatne Kazimiera Dziubak
guest roomnumber of beds: 34Some rooms with balconies. Rooms are equipped with TV. Flat consists of: 2 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom. At guests' disposal kitchenette. Additionally on the premises: place for grill, beach equipment. In the vicinity canteen. To the sea 300 m. We invite you to take advanta... - price from40 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 21
Dom Gościnny Tador
guest roomnumber of beds: 21Rooms with bathrooms. Rooms are equipped with: cordless kettle, TV, beach equipment, dishes, fridge. At guests' disposal: fully equipped kitchen, kitchenette, wireless Internet (Wi-Fi). On the premises fenced parking lot. Additionally on the premises: garden, place for grill. The facility is o... - price from50 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 40
Dom Zofia
guest roomnumber of beds: 40Rooms are equipped with: TV, beach equipment, cordless kettle, fridge. Some rooms: with bathrooms. Bungalow consists of: 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, terrace with exit to the garden. For disposal of guests: fully equipped kitchen, lounge, wireless Internet (Wi-Fi). On the premises parking lo... - price from40 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 30
Rooms on the Beach
private roomnumber of beds: 30Rooms with bathrooms, with separate entrance. Rooms are equipped with: cordless kettle, dishes, beach equipment, wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi). On the premises parking lot. Additionally on the premises place for grill. - price from45 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 25
Pokoje Gościnne Akacja
guest roomnumber of beds: 25Some rooms: with bathrooms, with balconies. Rooms are equipped with: TV, radio, cordless kettle, dishes, beach equipment. At guests' disposal generally accessible self-service kitchen, wireless Internet (Wi-Fi). On the premises parking lot. Additionally on the premises: place for grill, garden... - price from38 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 18
Pokoje Gościnne Amelia
guest roomnumber of beds: 18Rooms are equipped with: cordless kettle, beach equipment, radio, TV, wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi). Some rooms: with balconies, with bathrooms. The facility is open from May to September. At guests' disposal: fridges, microwave oven. Additionally on the premises: place for grill. To the s... - price from40 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 15
Wynajem Pokoi Fix
guest roomnumber of beds: 15Rooms with bathrooms. Some rooms: with balconies. Room is equipped with: cordless kettle, fridge, TV. The facility is open: from May to September. On the premises: parking lot. We invite you to take advantage of our offer - satisfaction guaranteed. - price from35 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 15
Pokoje Blisko Morza
guest roomnumber of beds: 15Some rooms: with bathrooms, with balconies. Room is equipped with: LCD TV. On the premises: parking lot. At guests' disposal: microwave oven, fridge, wireless Internet (Wi-Fi). Additionally on the premises: place for grill. We accept pets. No smoking in the facility. To the beach 200 m. - price from50 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 12
Pokoje Gościnne Magda
private roomnumber of beds: 12Room is equipped with: TV. Some rooms: with bathrooms. On the premises parking lot. At guests' disposal: fully equipped kitchenette, wireless Internet (Wi-Fi). Additionally on the premises: place for grill. The facility is open: from May to September. To the beach 300 m. - price from45 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 10
Pokoje Gościnne Gertruda
guest roomnumber of beds: 10Rooms: with bathrooms and balconies. Rooms are equipped with: cordless kettle, beach equipment, radio, satellite TV. Some rooms: with balconies. On the premises: parking lot. Additionally on the premises: place for grill. At guests' disposal: wireless Internet (Wi-Fi), microwave oven, fridge....
accommodation Sosnowa Kołobrzeg
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streets Kołobrzeg
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