accommodation Luboszyce
- price from25 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 28
Pokoje Gościnne Zielony Zakątek
private roomnumber of beds: 28Air-conditioned facility. Cheap and well-kept rooms with bathrooms. In the rooms: LED TV, free Internet and blinds or roller blinds in the windows. The facility is air-conditioned. Fully equipped kitchens are at guests' disposal. On the premises: a large parking lot, the possibility of grilli... - price from60 PLNfor one night's lodgingnumber of beds: 50
Ośrodek Rekreacyjno-Wypoczynkowy Żwirek
holiday resortnumber of beds: 50Rooms with bathrooms. Rooms are equipped with TV, air-conditioning. On the premises free parking lot. Additionally on the premises: garden arbour, place for grill, smokehouse. Banquet room for 300 persons. We perfectly organize: wedding receptions, First Communion parties, company events, tra...
accommodation Luboszyce
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Typy noclegów
vicinity Luboszyce
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- accommodation Strzelce Opolskie
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Pobliski rejon