Pokoje z Widokiem na Góry

Widok z balkonu jesienią.
698 30...
per night from
70 PLN
number of beds
Zawoja, małopolskie
The facility is open all year round

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
apartmentfor 3 room(s)1350/apartment
roomfor 3 person(s)370/person

You can rent:
* entire first floor PLN 350 / day,
* entire second floor PLN 300 / day,
* rooms on the second floor 70 PLN / person.


First floor - 3 rooms (two of them have large beds 160x200 cm), kitchen, bathroom, large balcony with a view of the mountain peaks (including Babia Góra). Access to the second floor through a separate entrance.

Second floor - 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom.
Towels in the rooms.

About us

There is Wi-Fi internet in the house.
The property offers a barbecue.
Parking space available.
Pets are allowed.

Our attractions

The property has a private forest.

Nearby attractions

Zawoja is a good base for nearby hiking trails.


Lunch 35 PLN - our own vegetables from the garden and orchard are added.


Our house is located in the hamlet of Kąkolowa.

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

obiekt całoroczny

Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- Wyciąg Narciarski Górnik ~ 877 m
- Wyciąg Narciarski Kolisty Groń ~ 963 m
- Kościół Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy w Zawoi Górnej ~ 1.55 km
- Polana Rąbaniska ~ 1.57 km
- Zespół wyciągów narciarskich Wojtek ~ 2.84 km