Ekoturystyczny Dom Zdrowisko

698 30...
Brzozówka, Czosnów, mazowieckie
per night from
150 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
apartmentfor 4 personal2150-200/person
roomfor 2 person(s)2150-200/person
roomfor 4 person(s)1150-200/person


Rooms with bathrooms.


2-room apartments with bathrooms.

About us

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, dining room, fireplace room and guest room with a terrace.

On the first floor there is a room with a projector, 3 rooms and 2 apartments with bathrooms.

Events and conferences

In our house it is possible to organize family meetings and business events.


The facility is located in the Natura 2000 reserve, in the Kampinos Forest.


We invite you to relax in peace and quiet!

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

Pobliskie miejscowości

Czosnów ~7.9 km
Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki ~10.8 km
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