Nad Wyspą
698 30...
Zatyle, Lubycza Królewska, lubelskie
per night from
143 PLN
number of beds
Prices - additional information
we offer | room type | number | price [PLN] |
summer house | for 14 personal | 1 | 2000-2700/home |
On the first floor there are 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a corridor with a corner for relaxation and work.
On the ground floor there is a bedroom, a living room with a kitchenette and a dining room, a bathroom and a terrace.
Our house is located by a swimming pond stocked with fish, with a private beach and an island.
We invite you to relax and rest. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Atrybuty / atuty
Ważne informacje
Pobliskie miejscowości
Lubycza Królewska ~2.4 km
Tomaszów Lubelski ~12.1 km
Hrebenne ~10.2 km
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