Chata Nad Goszczą

Chata Nad Goszczą
698 30...
per night from
60 PLN
number of beds
ul. Nowa Wioska, Lubrza, lubuskie

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
year-round bungalows for 6 person(s)160/person

Terms and conditions of use of the Chata nad Goszcza cottage:
1. These Regulations define the conditions under which a cottage can be booked and rented. Making a reservation is tantamount to accepting the provisions of these Regulations. At the time of making a reservation (paying the agreed deposit amount), the rental agreement is considered to have been concluded.
2. The agreed preliminary reservation (telephone) or e-mail must be confirmed by paying the deposit amount referred to in point 1 to the provided account within 3 days (the date of posting to the recipient's account is taken into account). Failure to pay within the above deadline results in the cancellation of the preliminary reservation.
3. By making a reservation, the Lessor agrees to the processing of personal data solely for the purpose of making the reservation and fulfilling the registration obligation in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 29.08.1997 on the protection of personal data. The person making the reservation has the right to view and update their personal data.
4. Payment of the deposit by the Lessor means that he accepts the lease regulations in question.
5. The remaining amount for the stay is payable by the Lessor 7 days before arrival or in cash on the day of arrival when collecting the keys.
6. On the day of arrival a deposit of PLN 300 is charged, which is returned on the day of departure after checking the Cottage.
7. In the event that the Lessor changes the booking date or completely cancels the stay for reasons beyond our control, the deposit is non-refundable.
8. The day begins at 16:00 (arrival) and ends at 10:00 (departure).
9. If the Lessor shortens the period of stay, the amount for the unused period will not be refunded.
10. Check-in and check-out take place in the Cottage in the presence of the Owner or an authorized person.
11. In the event that the number of people using the Cottage declared in the registration form and the number of people established during the booking is exceeded (without the consent and knowledge of the owner or an authorised person), the owner reserves the right to immediately terminate the contract with all consequences without having to refund the previously paid fee.
12. The price of services provided by the Owner of the Cottages does not include insurance. The services are used by the Tenants at their own risk. The company is not responsible for any injuries, damages and destruction of property (damages caused to the health and property of a third person), as well as for the theft of luggage during the entire recreational stay (we advise you to take out appropriate insurance before arrival).
13. Upon arrival, but before moving in, the Lessor is obliged to accept the Cottage, i.e. check the furniture, windows, shower cubicle and other equipment in the Cottage. The Lessor confirms positive acceptance by signing the regulations.
14. Any comments regarding damage or destruction must be reported immediately to the Owner.
15. The owner allows for the possibility of detecting so-called hidden damage, but only in invisible elements (such as a damaged bed, damaged wardrobe door, etc.).
16. The lack of comments from the Lessor regarding such damage within 4 hours after receiving the keys means that the Lessor has no objections to the entire premises, and all equipment and furniture are in the quantity consistent with the equipment list and in good condition.
17. The Lessor is financially responsible for any damage caused to the Cottage during his stay and agrees that any repairs to damage, supplementation of missing equipment or removal of faults will be carried out at his expense.
19. Use of the fireplace after reporting to the owner, fee (PLN 80/day). air conditioning PLN 60/day,
20. The landlord informs the owner 1 hour before departure.
21. Parking of cars is only possible in a place designated especially for this purpose or another place indicated by the Owner.
22. If the Lessor significantly disturbs the peace and/or the welfare of the neighbours and does not comply with the generally applicable standards of coexistence between people, the Owner reserves the right to terminate the Lessor's stay in the Cottage and is not obliged to refund the money for the unused period of stay.
23. If, as a result of a breach of the night-time silence from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., the Owner or the person responsible for the keys is forced to make a justified intervention by calling the police, the Owner has the right to terminate the contract immediately.
24. Due to fire protection requirements, it is forbidden to use any devices or apparatus powered by electricity or gas in the Cottage, which are not part of the equipment of these rooms and which may create a fire hazard, e.g. electric heaters, radiators, gas burners. It is forbidden to bring flammable materials, explosives or materials with an unpleasant smell into the Cottage.
25. The Lessor is not entitled to make any repairs or make any expenses or changes to the Cottage without the prior written consent of the Owner of the property. The Lessor is obliged to immediately inform the Owner of the property about the need to make repairs or expenses.
26. The Lessor is obliged to maintain and return the Cottage in the condition found, which includes in particular leaving washed dishes and kitchen equipment before departure. Failure to comply with the above obligation results in the payment of compensation in the form of a deposit left for the final cleaning of the Cottage.
27. The Owner has access to the premises to carry out necessary repairs, maintenance and necessary cleaning work also during the Lessors' stay.
28. The Owner is not responsible for any temporary inconveniences occurring with independent suppliers caused by, for example, temporary lack of water or electricity.
29. We accept pets provided that this fact is reported in advance during the booking and that they do not threaten or disturb people living nearby. Any damage caused by animals is borne by the Lessor.
30. The law applicable to disputes between the Owner and the Lessor is Polish law. Any disputes will be settled amicably, and in the event of a misunderstanding, the competent court will be the court with jurisdiction over the Owner's registered office.


Bungalow available for rent all year round, in highlander style, of high standard.

Bungalow consists of: 2 bedrooms, living-room, fully equipped kitchenette, bathroom, terrace.

Kitchenette is equipped with: fridge, microwave oven, induction hob, oven, dishwasher.

Bathroom is equipped with: shower, washing machine.

Bungalow is equipped with: TV, radio, fireplace, garden furniture.

About us

On the premises: parking lot.

Additionally on the premises: place for grill, gazebo.

The facility is: fenced, monitored.

Events and conferences

We perfectly organize: integration events, birthday parties.

Our attractions

For the active guest we offer: bikes, water equipment.

For children: swing, sandpit.

Nearby attractions

For the active guest: tourist trails, water equipment, sports field, canoeing trips, shooting-range.


The facility is located on the plot with 10 ar area, by the lake Goszcza, on the fringe of the village.


We ensure calmness, safety and friendly staff.

Atrybuty / atuty

akceptacja zwierząt
całkowity zakaz palenia
parking strzeżony
W pokojach / domkach
aneks kuchenny
kuchnia ogólnodostępna
ekspres do kawy
miejsce na ognisko
Wyposażenie łazienek
wypożyczalnia rowerów
trasy rowerowe
spływy kajakowe
sporty wodne
Dla dzieci
przyjazny dzieciom
krzesełko do karmienia
Organizacja imprez
imprezy integracyjne
położony ustronnie
blisko jeziora
widok na jezioro

Ważne informacje

możliwe od godziny 15:00 do 20:00.
możliwe od godziny 10:00 do 11:00

Pobliskie miejscowości

Lubrza ~1.1 km
Świebodzin ~8.9 km

Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- Cmentarz Komunalny w Lubrzy ~ 1.18 km
- Kościół Św. Jana Chrzciciela w Lubrzy ~ 1.18 km
- rezerwat przyrody Pniewski Ług ~ 2.46 km