Domek w Bożepolu Królewskim

698 30...
Bożepole Królewskie, Skarszewy, pomorskie
per night from
36 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
summer housefor 5 personal1180/house


Bungalow two-level, cottage, comfortable.

Bungalow consists of kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom, balcony, terrace.

Bathroom is equipped with toilet, shower, wash-basin.

Kitchenette is equipped with fridge, cooker with oven, cordless kettle, cutlery, dishes, pots.

Bungalow is equipped with fireplace, TV, radio.

About us

On the premises parking lot.

Additionally on the premises garden, garden arbour, place for grill.


The facility is located by the lake Krawusińskim.


We offer traditional Polish hospitality and relax in the beautiful region of Poland.

Atrybuty / atuty

Rodzaj oferty

Ważne informacje

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